Ready to get your Ducks in a row and Finally Launch your Offer?

Ready to get your  
Ducks in a row
 and Finally Launch your Offer?

Create your Signature Offer in 5 Days so you can finally have the business of your Dreams!

Okay, I know what you're thinking...

"Jen, I've got a lot of ducks!"

But the truth is...
There are really only 5 Ducks

The rest is All Fluff!

(I know. Fluff is cute, but resist the fluff)

Let's Meet the Important Ducks in your pond...

Niche Duck

Find the Niche where you Stand Out

Messaging Duck

Engage your Ideal Audience, not freebie-seekers

Content Duck

Give them Value they want without burning out

Offer Duck

Make it Attractive so it will Convert

Funnel Duck

Guide them to the next Step without being Salesy

But none of that matters...


If those other Ducks aren't lined up and following YOU, the Mama Duck, your business will feel disorganized and chaotic... physically, mentally, and emotionally!

But it doesn't have to be that way!

The most important Duck in your pond is...

Personality Duck

Be Yourself and give your Offer
your Signature Vibration!

How do you Prefer to Run your Business?

In Chaos?


In Alignment?

If you said 'In Alignment,'
then you need a Signature Offer!

Your Signature Offer isn't just any ol' offer...

It's the Personality of your Business.

It's what you're known for.

It's what sets you apart from the competition.

And it can generate 80% of your revenue on autopilot!

Do you know...

  • What is your Niche? Who is your Ideal Audience? 
  • What Problem you Solve? 
  • How you uniquely solve their Problem? 

...and does it align with your Personality?

With the Blueprint you get from this bootcamp, you'll be able to get clear on the answers to these questions.

And Build the Lead Magnets, Funnels, and other systems that puts your Signature Offer on Autopilot so you naturally connect and convert without the burnout!

Here's what I can teach you...

Hi, I'm Jen. You probably know me from the "Unbox Your Personality" podcast for coaches and educators.

I'm your Personality Strategist for your Business to get all of those ducks lined up and following YOUR Signature Vibration, instead of feeling bombarded by all the things that aren't actually relevant to you or your business. From my stories on the podcast, you know I can empathize with feeling busy but not necessarily going forward, and of being successful but not necessarily fulfilled.

I love using the Enneagram, but show up to class with your favorite personality system tool and my framework still works!

During this bootcamp, I'll give you the Blueprint that shows you how to integrate the 3 Core Aspects about your Personality into your business to create a Signature Offer that is so unique to you, that it eliminates the competition and generates 80% of your revenue on autopilot!

When you're making more profit and working less, that means no more burnout, having more time making the connections or serving the people (you know, the whole reason you started your business to begin with!), and gain more freedom to have the Life Style you're working so hard to achieve.

Serve More. Burnout Less.

What you'll learn:

  • The 3 Core Aspects of your Personality you need to align with your Business
  • The Niche that makes you Stand out 
  • Messaging that makes them instantly hand you their credit card 
  • Content that over-delivers (without over-extending yourself) 
  • Making your Offer a No-Brainer 
  • How to structure your Automation and Systems 

Join other Coaches and Educators like you who are ready to take their business to the next level!

I'm not going to be telling you to do business the exact way I do.
But show you how you can do it in the exact way You are DESIGNED to Be.

Jen has such a beautiful way of helping me understand myself better which helps me understand how I attract and serve my clients authentically with my offer.


Transformational Life Coach

Jen is a master at captivating attention and sharing so many gems of wisdom.


Certified Hypnotist for Health

Jen is a great coach.
Love finding all kinds of new information and Jen provides great resources and relevant content for business owners!


Yoga Instructor / Healer

It's time to get your Ducks in a Row...

...and start feeling Aligned to your Business!